Iacob Buga

Iacob BUGA, Of Counsel

 I am a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2015 and worked for two Big Four affiliated law firms during the last 5 years. 

I was involved over time in complex litigation and advisory projects generated by the activities of important local as well as transnational companies from various economic sectors (e.g. media, energy, financial services, food, tobacco, automotive, pharmaceutical, IT, telecommunications, waste management etc.) and raising matters from different legal areas (e.g. tax law, customs law, administrative law, environment law, EU law, civil law, consumers protection, data protection etc.).

During those projects, I ensured inter alia the representation of the clients during some administrative (e.g. tax audits, audits performed by the Environmental Fund, tax challenges, administrative appeals etc.) and judicial procedures (including the representation in front of the EU Court of Justice during the preliminary ruling procedures).

I’m currently focused on administrative, tax and civil matters and pay special attention to tax litgation.

    Work experience


    Associate and then Senior associate in two Big Four affiliated law firms, 2016 – 2021


    Legal advisor of a company from the chemical sector and then associate in a law firm specialized in civil and administrative matters, 2014 - 2016



    Master’s degree – Private law – Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, 2012 - 2013


    Bachelor’s degree – Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, 2008 - 2012
